This chapter was a wonderful capstone for the entire process of going through our planning in our Project Based Learning units as well as our journey through the book and learning how to implement these important ideas and strategies into our classrooms. I really liked how the beginning of the chapter mentions, "By the time a successful project comes to an end, you and your students will feel as if you have 'been somewhere' together" (159). I absolutely agree that learning should be a journey both for students and for teachers. A journey where everyone is constantly learning, discovering and growing- from measurable goals to intrinsic lessons that will help the students continue forward in the educational endeavors.
I also really liked how in this chapter they discussed how, "Good projects don’t lead to a dead end. Instead, they open new doors and create connections that you can build into future project designs" (159). I think that this is a very important concept for teachers to keep in mind for preparing for future lessons. Not only do we want to plan more effectively for our future teaching, but ultimately we want students to be able to use their journey to help them plan for their future.
In order to accomplish this effectively, teachers and students must do a few things detailed in the chapter:
- "Capitalize on Your Investment" (159).
- "Critique Your Work" (160).
- "Share Your Insights" (161).
My personal favorite was the point, "Enjoy The Journey" (163). If we want students to enjoy learning, than we must love teaching. Learning should be fun, interactive, educational and enjoyable. When we grow as students and teachers, we discover new abilities within ourselves that we never even dreamed possible. If this has not been the heart of teaching, especially within our Project Based Units, I don't know what was. This was a great chapter to wrap up everything!
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